Silos are good! - DevOps silos.

By Uldis Karlovs-Karlovskis

Elevator Pitch

The alternative name of this talk could be “What they don’t teach Architects at school”. This talk is a summary of what I have been evangelizing over the last 10 years. After this talk, you’ll be able to design better long-living, self-sustainable, agile and continuous architectures.


The alternative name of this talk could be “What they don’t teach Architects at school”. In my talk, I’ll come back to the very old and well known Conway’s Law. Hopefully, I’ll give you a bit deeper insights on why it’s so relevant nowadays and why we should keep it in mind when designing IT systems for organizations. This talk is somewhat a summary of what I have been evangelizing over the last 10 years at different meetups and conferences. As very typical to me, I’ll also touch topics about culture and human behavior. After this talk, hopefully, you’ll be able to design better long-living, self-sustainable, agile and continuous architectures.


No exceptional technical requirements. Audio and video output is enough.