CFP closed at | July 26, 2019 23:07 UTC |
(Local) |
PyCon NG 2019 will be the third consecutive PyCon to hold in Nigeria.
PyCons are large gatherings of people interested in the Python programming language. They gather to share knowledge, learn, bond and generally inspire each other.
PyCon NG 2019 will take place from September 25th to 28th at Ibi conference center Abuja, Nigeria. The 25th will be dedicated to tutorials only and 26th will be for tutorials and sprints/hackathons, the talks will hold on the 27th and 28th.
CFP Description
What kind of talks are we interested in?
We are interested in different kinds of talks. At PyCon NG 2019, there will be tutorials and talks, you can submit proposals for either or both. Tutorials are like workshops focused on improving Python related skills. They will be hands-on and engaging, and will be allocated more time. Talks will take a presentation-styled method and, hence, will accommodate more variety of topic focus. Even if you are new at this, we encourage you to submit a proposal - this is an opportunity to gain experience.
Below is an outline of possible areas you can submit topics under (culled from the PyCon Africa 2019 CFP). This is just a guide and should not limit you.
The topics of interest for PyData include, but are not limited to: Numerical and Scientific Computations Machine Learning Text Mining and Natural language Processing Data mining and Analytics Big Data Data visualization tools and libraries Reproducible Research Linked Data and Semantic Web
The topics of interest for Web/DevOps include, but are not limited to: Frameworks (Django, Flask, Pyramid, etc) Background Tasks (Celery, etc) WSGI Orchestration (Ansible, Fabric, etc) Continuos integration Core & Internals Testing Enterprise
General Python
Suggested topics for this track include, but are not limited to: Python libraries and extensions Databases Documentation Open Source Python projects Packaging Issues Programming Tools Project Best Practices
Python Community and other non-technical talks
This includes talk on diversity in the Python community, starting and managing a python community, how to organize meetups, How to get remote jobs, contributing to open source, life as a python developer: experiences & lessons etc.
What are the characteristics of the audience you will likely be engaging?
- For the talks, the audience will range from people generally interested in Python and/or digital technology to users of the programming language at different levels of proficiency. Regardless of where you stand personally with regards to the Python programming language, we are confident you will find people in the audience to connect with.
Other details you should know about?
- Each speaker will have thirty minutes to present his/her talk.
- Each tutorial session will have an allocated time of three hours.