My name is Rufai Mardiyyah Aminah, a Techpreneur, a graduate of Chemical Engineering with a Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering. I am currently a machine learning/Artificial Intelligence Engineer in training with specific interests in building AI-powered solutions to solve problems in the health, agricultural and finance sector. I am also an alumnus of the Youth For Technology Foundation (YTF) - 3D Africa, after participation in the “HackorGood2018”. I have always had an interest in programming and the amazing world of technology and innovation and have always wanted to be able to make an impact with my skills. I started my journey into the world of Python and MachineLearning/Artificial Intelligence last year, I felt the need to take a step and build up my skills if I really wanted to be a changemaker someday. The path has been amazing so far and I wish to share my journey and experiences to inspire others as well.