CFP closed at | January 18, 2022 07:00 UTC |
(Local) |
The PowerShell and DevOps Global Summit 2022 will be returning to Bellevue, WA, to our new home at the Downtown Marriott from 25-April to 28-April 2022. PowerShell and DevOps experts from all over the world including PowerShell team members will once again join together to discuss and learn about maximizing PowerShell in the workplace in fast-paced, knowledge-packed presentations. This conference is planned to be a live, in-person conference and we can’t wait to see everyone again! The Summit’s also the place to explore and further your knowledge of DevOps principles and practices in a Windows environment, make new connections, learn new techniques, and offer expertise to your peers and colleagues. If you want to share your PowerShell or DevOps knowledge, this is your official call to submit presentations for selection!
CFP Description
Similar to last year, with feedback from our community, we’re expanding the scope of our content. While OnRamp will take care of those new to the PowerShell/DevOps world, we’re looking to fill the gaps with intermediate content - all the way to master level.
We look for an abstract that’s compelling and makes us want to see your session - so spend time writing a great abstract! We want sessions that offer real-world usability combined with “WOW, nobody talks about THAT” awesomeness. We want to see the code. Don’t just talk about it - this is a PowerShell summit, not a PowerPoint Summit. If your session isn’t predominately demonstrations, it’s probably not suitable for the Summit.
Summit presentations are intense and intimate, often with plenty of audience interaction. You must expect questions and discussions. These sessions are not a “lecture to the audience” event.
If you have any doubts about the suitability of a particular session, please get in touch with us - - we’re always happy to discuss proposed sessions.
Please note: all sessions are to be delivered in English. The presenter will provide all equipment needed to deliver the session(s), including a laptop or other computer. The presenter must be able to connect to an HDMI connection; VGA is NOT supported. The presenter must be able to select an appropriate screen resolution for video output manually. Typically, 1024x768 or 1280x720 are preferred.
We are open to presentations across the entire ecosystem that has been built around PowerShell or the various DevOps tools. This includes Microsoft platforms and products that have PowerShell-based management tools as well as third-party products. New topics will be preferred over the recycling of older topics. However, we are still open to sessions on ‘older’ topics that address great confusion or uncertainty areas.
Longer sessions
We have several agenda slots available for double-length sessions. These sessions delve into the depths of a topic covering areas that need more than 45 minutes.
Increase your chance of being accepted
Spend time thinking about and planning out your abstract and outline and a logical order of topics presented. Consider how to make sure that your session fits in the allotted time. Total content for a 45-minute session should run 35-40 minutes and include time for Q&A without bleeding into the next session, and total content for a 90-minute session should run 70-75 mins plus Q&A.
Do not be afraid to submit multiple sessions. We LOVE to have as many candidates as possible, as it gives us a selection to choose from and allows us to select as many unique speakers as we can. Hot topics can have multiple submitted presentations - if we like two submissions on the same topic but both submitters have equally-good second topics, we’d select one topic from each AND we get two great topics instead of one.
Unique topics and topics that appeal to a diverse audience are included. We get it, cloud-computing is hot, but we do prefer topics that appeal to the larger audience vs. a niche audience. That isn’t to say that your session on your cloud-provider-of-choice isn’t going to make it, but you increase your chances with a topic that would appeal to users of all cloud providers vs. a topic only focused on one cloud provider.
Please note all sessions are to be delivered in English.
Internet connectivity
Internet connectivity is available in the conference center, but bandwidth is limited. If you rely on connecting to the cloud for your sessions, consider recording any demonstrations as a contingency.
Presenting a session
Presenters will be required to commit to being live and in-person during their session time. No sessions will be presented virtually.
In the case where public health concerns cause us to change to a virtual conference, we will contact accepted presenters about recommitting to presenting virtually.