Learn how Microsoft Azure’s cloud services can accelerate your cloud app development process: we support the tools and languages you already use, security and management services are built-in, ML/AI capabilities are quickly callable from your app, and you can retain full control on how (and where) you deploy your code.
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I'm Attending!September 17, 2025September 18, 2025DevOpsDays Dallas 2025UTCThanks for your interest in submitting a talk to DevOpsDays DFW 2025! This year marks our eighth annual conference in the DFW area and it's shaping up to be our best yet! We've nearly tripled in size since our first year and are looking forward to continuing to grow and hope you will join us on September 17th & 18th!
We are excited to be hosting our conference again at the <a href="https://goo.gl/maps/JUByhTKjpf63HRS97">Plano Event Center</a> in Plano, TX. We anticipate attendance will once again reach nearly 500 enthusiastic Technology professionals representing numerous technology companies in Dallas-Fort Worth and the surrounding area.
This year you can expect to see:
<li> A variety of topics</li>
<li> Dedicated areas for open spaces</li>
<li> Selected areas for sponsor demos (by request, first come first serve)</li>
We are looking forward to seeing you in SeptemberPlano Event Center
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I'm Attending!October 14, 2020March 10, 2021DevOps Underground MeetupsUTCDevOps Underground is a community-focused meetup, organizing onsite and online meetups based on latest practices in DevOps and MicroServices domain.London, UK
Upcoming Event Dates: May 21, 2020, June 18, 2020, July 16, 2020, August 20, 2020, September 17, 2020, October 15, 2020, November 19, 2020, December 17, 2020
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I'm Attending!May 21, 2020December 17, 2020IndyGCP Speaker SubmissionUTCIndyGCP is a monthly meetup for anyone interested in Google Cloud Platform. At our meetings we will learn about GCP, share ideas, and have a chance to network with others. Whether you're an app developer, data scientist, cloud enthusiast, or just looking to get into cloud computing, our meetup will have great topics that will increase your knowledge of GCP. And now it's your turn to get on the speaker track!
Monthly IndyGCP Agenda:
12:00p - 12:15p Introductions, Announcements, Order Food
12:15p - 12:45p Presentation
12:45p - 1:00p Q&A/Wrap-up/Pay your Bill
Our meetup is purposely scheduled over lunch to be a quick and efficient. This way you can get away from the office for a bit, have lunch, participate in the local GCP community, and be back to work/school in a reasonable time.George's Neighborhood Grill
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I'm Attending!February 08, 2021February 08, 2021vBrownBag Weekly WebinarUTCWhat is **vBrownBag**?
vBrownBag is a community of people who believe in helping other people. Specifically we work in Cloud, DevOps, and IT infrastructure. We help other people in the IT industry to be better at their jobs by learning about IT.
The vBrownBag Video Podcasts :
The vBrownBag crew host podcasts where community members present on topics that will help others in the community. Some podcast series are aimed at helping people achieve certifications for example AWS, Azure, and VMware certifications. Other podcasts help community members learn an entirely new subject area like the Python learning series. Other podcasts cover areas like storage or automation without a lot of vendor spin and with a lot of passion for the technologies. Some podcast sessions use slides and most provide demonstrations, some even set hands on homework for the viewers. The content is produced by the community members who present the podcast, ensuring that we’re learning from real world experience.
The US podcast has been running weekly since 2010, it is a wide ranging podcast covering may different topics in It infrastructure. The APAC Edition started in early 2012 and focuses on design and VDI. The EMEA and LATAM (Spanish language) podcast started in late 2012 as appetites grew for more local or native language content.Virtual