Learn how Microsoft Azure’s cloud services can accelerate your cloud app development process: we support the tools and languages you already use, security and management services are built-in, ML/AI capabilities are quickly callable from your app, and you can retain full control on how (and where) you deploy your code.
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I'm Attending!December 05, 2022December 05, 2022Utah Data Engineering MeetupUTCJoin us on [Slack](http://bit.ly/forgeslackinvite) !
This is a group for anyone interested in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other data science topics. We take an engineering/programming perspective and often focus on direct implementation and application rather than theoretical. If you are looking for ways to bring practical data engineering into your company then this group is for you.Utah
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I'm Attending!December 06, 2022December 06, 2022Utah Go User GroupUTCJoin us on [Slack](http://bit.ly/forgeslackinvite)!
We strive to help all people learn about the Go programming language. We look for technical talks about how you or your company is using to revolutionize your workflow.
Find us on Twitter: [@foregutah](https://twitter.com/forgeutah)
Contact: meetups@theforge.techLehi, UT
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I'm Attending!February 08, 2021February 08, 2021vBrownBag Weekly WebinarUTCWhat is **vBrownBag**?
vBrownBag is a community of people who believe in helping other people. Specifically we work in Cloud, DevOps, and IT infrastructure. We help other people in the IT industry to be better at their jobs by learning about IT.
The vBrownBag Video Podcasts :
The vBrownBag crew host podcasts where community members present on topics that will help others in the community. Some podcast series are aimed at helping people achieve certifications for example AWS, Azure, and VMware certifications. Other podcasts help community members learn an entirely new subject area like the Python learning series. Other podcasts cover areas like storage or automation without a lot of vendor spin and with a lot of passion for the technologies. Some podcast sessions use slides and most provide demonstrations, some even set hands on homework for the viewers. The content is produced by the community members who present the podcast, ensuring that we’re learning from real world experience.
The US podcast has been running weekly since 2010, it is a wide ranging podcast covering may different topics in It infrastructure. The APAC Edition started in early 2012 and focuses on design and VDI. The EMEA and LATAM (Spanish language) podcast started in late 2012 as appetites grew for more local or native language content.Virtual
Upcoming Event Dates: January 20, 2021, February 03, 2021, February 17, 2021, March 03, 2021, March 17, 2021, March 29, 2021, April 14, 2021, April 28, 2021, May 12, 2021, May 26, 2021, June 09, 2021
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I'm Attending!January 20, 2021June 09, 2021WeAreDevelopers LiveUTCWeAreDevelopers Live
Watch dev talks and live coding sessions with leading experts from all around the world for free on WeAreDevelopers Live – real professionals, real projects, in real-time and on-demand!
Call for speakers
You have the topic. We have the audience! We are always looking for curious minds sharing their expertise and knowledge in software development. Take the chance to apply as a speaker and position yourself in front of our awesome dev community.Virtual
Upcoming Event Dates: March 10, 2022, April 07, 2022, May 05, 2022, June 02, 2022, June 30, 2022, July 28, 2022, August 25, 2022, September 22, 2022, October 20, 2022, November 17, 2022, December 15, 2022
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I'm Attending!March 10, 2022December 15, 2022Women in Male-Dominated Industries Interactive WebinarsUTCWomen in Male-Dominated Industries (WIMDI) is an online community of over four thousand vibrant, supportive women* in male-dominated industries (eg: mining, finance, tech, engineering, construction, politics, etc.).
##What We Do
We host monthly interactive webinars focused on actionable advice that helps our members achieve their career and leadership goals. We want our audience to walk away from our events ready to implement the new things they learned so they can lead better, advance their careers, and stun their colleagues with their success and general business genius-ness.
##Speaking With Us
We want our speakers to have an excellent experience working with us. We work one-on-one with our speakers to produce high-quality talks that our audience loves. That means we'll pair you up with our Speaker Coach and help you craft your WIMDI Interactive Webinar into a thing of beauty that you can use again and again. We'll also record your talk and release it on our free YouTube channel so you get continued exposure after the event (and psst...you can use the recording to market your talk going forward! Amazing!)
We work with new and experienced speakers alike. Our WIMDI audience is amazing and supportive, so if you're afraid of getting boo'd off stage as a newbie speaker, no need to stress! We'll make sure we're cheering you on and helping you shine regardless of experience level. If you've got something interesting to say about career or leadership, then we're interested in hearing from you!
##What You Get
- Promotion of your talk via our 4000+ member mailing list and social channels
- Sharing of your information & publicizing your webinar on our Twitter and LinkedIn
- A recording of your talk professionally edited and posted to our YouTube Channel
- Support from our speaker coach to refine your talk
- (Optional) Sharing your materials (articles, videos, books) with our audience
##2022 Event Dates (All Thursdays)
- March 10th
- April 7th
- May 5th
- June 2nd
- June 30th
- July 28th
- August 25th
- September 22nd
- October 20th
- November 17th
- December 15th
Webinars are 30-45 minutes long plus Q&A time. We typically hold our events from 5:30 - 7:30 pm PST, but we're open to alternative timings that fit better for East Coast folks, where needed.
*WIMDI uses an inclusive definition of women that means "people who are in a gender minority in their field". This includes trans individuals, genderqueer, agender, intersex, two spirit, and non-binary folks. If you are not sure if you are included, please err on the side of participating in our events!Vancouver, BC (Remote)
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I'm Attending!March 29, 2023May 24, 2023Women Who Go London Meetup eventsUTCWe are Women of the Go community. Our mission is to help build a more diverse and inclusive Go community. Through outreach, workshops and conferences we grow awareness of the Go language and empower minorities to become participants, collaborators and leaders in the Open Source community.
We are always on the hunt for new speakers, mentors and collaborators!
👉 Join us on Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/women-who-go-london/
🐦 Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/womenwhogolndnLondon, UK
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I'm Attending!June 20, 2020December 05, 2020Workshops for DevelopersUTCThe Commitment:
In-person at Devhub Toronto
4-6 hours on a Saturday is our regular scheduled time, though there is some flexibility
The Experience:
Workshops provide education in new and specialized areas in order to strengthen and diversify Canada’s developer community. Attendees often take their learning back to their workplace, apply it in building a side project, or add it to their resume to remain competitive in today’s market. While attendees may have different motivations, they all walk away having learned something exceptionally useful.
A combination of lecture and hands-on learning
Tutoring and mentorship
Code-alongs, projects, and application-focused learning
Prep-material beforehand is ideal for less experienced developers
The Audience:
1-5 year experienced developers who are are looking for hands-on application of a particular subject area
Desire to ramp up their career skills, either by upgrading an existing skill or learning something completely new that is highly relevant
Their employer may have asked them to attend in order to bring the learnings back to their workplace or enhance their skill set
An intimate workshop for ~10 attendees
Open to all who purchase a ticket
The Support:
We provide a classroom setting with a TV, whiteboard, and speaker podium
We survey the attendees for feedback and research
What We’re Looking For
Speaker Partner: A paid opportunity for an experienced developer with a passion for education and the desire the grow the developer community. Hosted as a ticketed community event, typically $100/ticket.
Upcoming Event Dates: January 16, 2020, June 30, 2020
CFP is open
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I'm Attending!January 16, 2020June 30, 2020WWCode KL - Product Talk SeriesUTCProduct Talk series focuses on talk, workshop or event about learning **how to make great product - both digital or non-digital.** The participants are typically people who are interested to be part of product team (i.e. marketers, account managers) or already working closely with one (i.e. designers, software engineers, business development people). Below are our previous product talk events :-
- [Product Talk #1 - Journey to PM](https://wwcodekl-product-talk-1.peatix.com)
- [Product Talk #2 - How to Avoid Common Product Pitfalls](https://wwcodekl-product-talk-2.peatix.com)
- [Product Talk #3 - Product Design Guidelines](https://peatix.com/event/1377840)
- [Product Talk #4 - Product Design Guidelines](https://wwcodekl-product-talk-3.peatix.com)
- [Product Talk #5 - Customer Engagement Strategy](https://wwcodekl-product-talk-5.peatix.com)
Product Talk Series is now accepting proposals for our monthly event on **16th Jan 2020** and **30th June 2020**! It will be online webinar mode.Kuala Lumpur
Upcoming Event Dates: June 07, 2020, December 31, 2020
CFP is open
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I'm Attending!June 07, 2020December 31, 2020WWCode KL TalksUTCWWCode KL Talk focuses on talk, tutorials or workshop on **technology and leadership**. We have wide variety of audience, ranging from total beginners like fresh graduates and/or people who wants to get into technology industry to experienced technologist - people who have been in technology for more than 10 years.
You may check out all our previous talks/events here - https://wwcodekl.peatix.com
WWCode KL is now accepting proposals for our monthly talks! It will be online webinar mode.Kuala Lumpur
Upcoming Event Dates: November 22, 2020, April 22, 2020
CFP is open
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I'm Attending!November 22, 2020April 22, 2020WWCode NYC Online Events 2020UTCDue to the Coronavirus pandemic, WWCode NYC will be hosting all events online until it is safe to move to in-person meetups again. We are currently looking for speakers and workshop leaders for online events in 2020 that will help our mission of helping women advance in their tech careers.
Women Who Code NYC is the local chapter of Women Who Code (https://www.womenwhocode.com/), a non-profit dedicated to helping women enter and excel in tech careers. We host numerous events each year, focusing on a wide range of technical and leadership topics for women, non-binary individuals, and other supporters of women in tech. We have 12,000+ members and are excited to bring new speakers to our group in the coming year!
For a sampling of past events, feel free check out our meetup page. Some recent events that we are proud of include monthly Algorithm practice nights, React and Redux workshops, a Python Pandas workshop, a Tech Manager Panel, talks on React Performance, Intro to HTML, CSS and Python workshops, and the list goes on! With our move to online-only events, we're very open to alternative event types and formats so please do not feel limited to the examples above.
The aim of bringing speakers to our events is both to bring new knowledge to our members as well as to give women the chance to practice their public speaking and teaching skills, so we encourage beginners to reach out to us if they need help with their proposals. You can reach us at nyc@womenwhocode.com.Remote
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I'm Attending!February 29, 2020February 29, 2020Беспощадный российский геймдевUTCЦентр развития региональных медиа "Медиаполис" и инди-студия "BlueSweater" 29 февраля привозят в Тюмень запрещёночку. Марафон наших образовательных IT-конференций Тюмени в 2020 году открывает Беспощадный региональный геймдев. Будем рассказывать о том, о чём раньше вслух никто не говорил — разработка игр это круто.Тюмень
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I'm Attending!December 11, 2021December 11, 2021Яндекс ПРО в СочиUTCПривет!
Мы будем делать митап или конференции в центральном Сочи. Что именно это будет мы пока не знаем, всё зависит от количества докладчиков и тем докладов, которые вы нам пришлёте. Основные направления это Android, Flutter, C++ на беке.Сочи