CFP closed at | February 02, 2025 23:59 UTC |
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x33fcon 2025 (9th edition)
When and Where
June 12-13, 2025, Gdynia, Poland
This form is only for workshops. There are separate forms to submit your talk or training proposal.
About x33fcon
Yet another security con? Nope.
The idea behind x33fcon (pronounced /ˈziːf-kɒn/) is to focus on a very specific need of the security industry: collaboration between blue and red teams (sometimes referred to as purple teaming). We know from our professional experience how hard it can be to build a solid bridge between those who assess security and those who guard the castle. Many misconceptions and misunderstandings arise between these two groups.
We want to change that. Rather than continue to think about security from either an offensive or defensive perspective, our goal is to encourage security professionals to consider both perspectives while working more closely together. Both blue and red teams provide unique capabilities to an organization, but the collaboration between the two yields the best results.
x33fcon is an event that brings both groups together, and everyone from both sides of the fence are invited to gather, share ideas and discuss thoughts on security.
Who Should Attend
Anyone interested!
Topics planned for this conference are important for any IT security personnel, especially red teamers, pentesters, incident responders, analysts, and researchers. The conference will include high-level talks on team collaboration, case studies, and deep-dives into attack and defense techniques.
It’s a great opportunity to meet other blue and red team members, learn from their experiences and understand how attackers and defenders think and behave.
Are you responsible for security? Don’t miss out! Come along and help define what’s possible.
About Us
We are a group of security enthusiasts with many years of experience in both the offensive and defensive arena. We have worked for small companies and large multi-national corporations around the world. Our experience spans all major sectors of business including Finance, Healthcare, Energy and Aviation.
We have also contributed to, and presented at, many security events: Security BSides Warsaw, NoVA Hackers, Tech.3camp Gdansk, HackInParis, Geek Girls Carrots, and lectures at Gdansk University of Technology.
Security professionals in offensive and defensive roles should collaborate with each other - more often and more effectively. That’s the main thrust behind the creation of x33fcon; to provide a forum to boost this collaboration.
CFP Description
- Workshops should last from 1 to 3 hours
- CFW submissions must be made by speaker himself/herself. No third parties should be involved
- If submitted presentation was already presented elsewhere please provide links to the material (slides, whitepaper, video, etc.)
- We do not accept vendor specific pitches nor advertisements
- We will contact potential speakers with questions in regards to workshp if needed
- Incomplete submissions will be rejected. Please make sure to answer our questions in Additional Information section
Please note that by agreeing to speak at x33fcon you are granting x33fcon organizers the rights to advertise your presentation at, twitter and all other media in paper and electronic form.
Topics of interest
- Offensive TTPs (Tactics, Techniques and Procedures)
- Red or Blue team operator techniques
- Research on novel attacks
- Threat intelligence
- Malware research
- Digital forensic triage
- Antiforensics and anti-antiforensics approaches
- Networking incident response, investigation, and evidence handling
- Network forensics and traffic analysis
- Social Engineering
- Cloud and IoT security
- AI security
- DevSecOps
If you believe your research is interesting but does not fall into the above categories please contact us. We are open to any suggestions.