Write the Docs Australia 2024

Melbourne, Australia November 28, 2024, November 29, 2024

Tags: Docs, Content, Devrel, Ux, Content-strategy, Documentation, Tech-writing, Open-source

CFP closed at  August 30, 2024 00:00 UTC

G’day! We’re excited to announce that the Write the Docs Australia 2024 conference will be on November 28-29, 2024, in Melbourne, Australia.

Write the Docs brings everyone who writes the docs together in the same room: Programmers, Tech Writers, Support, Designers, Developer Advocates, Content Strategists, and more. Every year, Write the Docs invites people from all across our community to come up on stage to share their insights and experience.

CFPs are open! We’re looking for ideas and use-cases from all disciplines and roles, so whether you’re a technical writer, developer, UX designer, community manager, or support professional who cares about content and communication, we want to hear from you!

CFP Description

Whether you’ve worked on documentation for decades or you’ve just started this year, we want to hear from you!

The deadline for submitting proposals is Midnight AEDT on August 30, 2024.

We’ll let you know if your proposal has been accepted by the end of September 13, 2024.

Check out all the details on the Calls for Proposals page.

We use the pretalx system to receive talk proposals. Please use our dedicated Call for Proposals page to submit your talk rather than here on PaperCall. Thanks!

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