CFP closed at | June 30, 2019 23:06 UTC |
(Local) |
“VoIP On The Beach!” is a 1-day event attached to JanusCon, where VoIP-specific topics will be discussed, with an informal and relaxed format.
The idea is to foster active participation among all the attendees, rather than have the usual “I’m talking – you’re listening” approach. The morning will be devoted to a few short presentations meant to address a specific issue, rather than a specific existing project: the focus will be on topics that are relevant and important to the VoIP community, including integration of VoIP and WebRTC, API design, opportunities and problems in Cloud solutions, Security, HA, Metric, unsolved issues and so on, with emphasis on open source. In the afternoon, a few of the discussed topic will be selected in a cooperative way, in order to dig deeper and as interactively as possible: this may include whiteboard sessions, surveys to be taken through the discussion, and so on and so forth (and maybe prizes to keep everyone’s interest peeking! :-) ).
We want to understand what can we do as a community to make our lives easier while keep pushing innovation and open source. Submit your presentation today, and also tell us what else you’d like to discuss with the other RTC experts. Accepted speakers will be granted free admission to the JanusCon event, including all its perks!
NOTE: Notice that this is just for the “VoIP on the Beach”: a different CfP is available for the main track and workshops of JanusCon, so please refer to that in case it’s what you’re interested in.
CFP Description
As anticipated, this is an attempt to provide a different framework for VoIP discussions. Rather than hosting presentations on existing projects, we want to foster presentations on existing and future challenges in the VoIP world instead, in order to allow all participants to discuss them in further detail, and possibly sketch out proposed solutions. Topics may include, but will not be limited to, VoIP and WebRTC, API design, opportunities and problems in Cloud solutions, Security, HA, unsolved issues and so on.
There is no static format for presentations, which means you won’t be limited in how long they can be: if you think you can introduce the issue in 10 minutes, that’s fine! If you feel you’ll need more than that, that’s fine too! Just make sure you give us an idea in the notes, so that we can schedule accordingly.