Whip Your Scripts into Shape: Optimizing PowerShell for Speed

By Josh King

Elevator Pitch

When every second counts, you can’t sit around waiting for your script to finish.

With a handful of techniques tucked away in your tool belt your PowerShell code will be running faster than ever.

Buckle up for a demo heavy session that can’t drop below 50 mph.


When every second counts, you can’t sit around waiting for your script to finish.

With a handful of techniques tucked away in your tool belt your PowerShell code will be running faster than ever. Even if speed isn’t your game today, you’ll have the tools you need when it suddenly is.

We’ll start with some quirks in PowerShell (and its .NET heritage) that you need to be aware end by taking a quick look into the mother of all speedups: parallelization. Bring yourself, a stop watch (kidding…), and your personal favourite speed tips.

Buckle up for a demo heavy session that can’t drop below 50 mph.