Using the power of cost constraints to build well architected Serverless systems

By Erik Peterson

Elevator Pitch

Constraints are a powerful force when designing systems but in the Serverless era where scale & performance constraints have disappeared but there is still one that remains. We may have infinite scale, but we do not have infinite wallet. But what if we could put that constraint to work for us?


Constraints are a powerful force when designing systems but in the Serverless era where scale & performance constraints have all but disappeared there is still one that remains. We may have infinite scale, but we do not have infinite wallet. But what if we could put that constraint to work for us?

In this talk I’ll cover how Serverless can help you radically save money or completely blow out your budget with the right or wrong design patterns. We will cover specific examples of where things can go wrong, the costs associated and how you can fix things before disaster strikes. Lastly I will introduce a new system design and development technique for engineers to build cost planning and observability into the development process and use a spending budget as a non-functional requirement, to build well architected Serverless systems.


I’ve been building cloud native systems for over a decade both as a practitioner and a hands on leader, most recently I founded my own cloud focused company where I am the CTO. I’ve had the fortune to speak to audiences from a few dozen to a few thousand and it’s always an honor to have that opportunity.