Ryan Paul Lafler

San Diego, California


Ryan Paul Lafler is the Founder, CEO, Chief Data Scientist, and Lead Consultant at Premier Analytics Consulting, LLC, a data science consulting firm based in San Diego, California. Ryan is Adjunct Faculty at San Diego State University (SDSU) for the Big Data Analytics Graduate Program and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. He also serves as a Principal Investigator (PI) and Research Scientist for the SDSU Climate Informatics Laboratory (SCIL) on funded grants and projects.

Ryan’s programming expertise in Python, R, SAS®, JavaScript (React.js), open-source API frameworks, and SQL has contributed to his success as a big data scientist; consultant; ML engineer; statistician; and full-stack application developer. He received his Master of Science in Big Data Analytics from San Diego State University in May 2023 following the publication of his thesis. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Statistics, a minor in Quantitative Economics, and graduated magna cum laude from San Diego State University. Ryan’s passionate about open-source programming languages; applied Machine Learning (ML) / Deep Learning (DL) / Artificial Intelligence (AI); statistical analysis and modeling; full-stack application and interactive dashboard development; and data visualization methods.

Ryan’s LinkedIn profile is provided here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanpaullafler