APEX, PLSQL and RESTful services II: Consuming Secure Services

By Richard Martens

Elevator Pitch

Consuming Restful services can be done in a number of ways. All of these techniques have advantages and disadvantages. We’ll use APEX SQL and PLSQL to consume services This session will show a number of techniques to make Restful HTTP requests.


Consuming Restful services can be done in a number of ways. All of these techniques have advantages and disadvantages. Some will fit better in your project than others. This session will show a number of techniques to make Restful HTTP requests. It will also show different techniques on interpreting the data that the services offer.

APEX out of the box offers a number of ways to consume these services: - REST Enabled SQL - REST Data Sources - Legacy Web Services The session will explain the differences and when to use the one or the other

The session also will show the manual (PLSQL) approach of using these APEX components Finally the session will show techniques of consuming Restful Services without an APEX component using plain PLSQL.