Rafael Benevides is a Cloud Native Development Advocate at Oracle. In his current role he helps developers worldwide to be more effective in software development, and he also promotes tools and practices that help them to be more productive. He worked in several fields including application architecture and design. Besides that, he is a member of Apache DeltaSpike PMC - a Duke’s Choice Award winner project. And a speaker in conferences like JUDCon, TDC, JavaOne and Devoxx. Twitter
My Talks
12 Factors to Cloud Success
Challenged by the highly automated, virtualized and scalable infrastructure that Cloud enables? Luckily enough, we have a set of best practices collated as the “12 Factor Apps” ( And ...
12 passos para que sua aplicação na cloud-native seja um sucesso
Com o advento de aplicações Cloud-Native, é bom o pessoal ficar por dentro do que é 12factors
How not suck at Microservices
There are different frameworks and tools that you can use and join the pieces together into a Microservices Architecture. This session shows how you can combine them in a live demo that will open y...
Java Modules (aka JPMS) for day-to-day Java developers
Java 14 has been released and a feature introduced in Java 9 stills a mystery for many Java developers. JPMS is a change to the Java libraries, language, and runtime. This session explores and demy...
Kubernetes for Java and Docker Developers
Yes, Docker is great! We are all very aware of that but now it’s time to take the next step: wrapping it all and deploying to a production environment. For this scenario we need something Kubernete...
Kubernetes Hands-on lab
Ready to leverage your Docker skills? Come to this session to see how your current Docker skill set can be easily mapped to Kubernetes concepts and commands. And get ready to deploy your containers...
Microprofile: Enterprise o suficiente para microserviços
Com o advento do Quarkus, muita gente quer saber o que é, e como usar a spec de Microprofile.
MicroProfile: Just Enough EE for Your Microservices
There are many challenges with microservices architecture that are not solved by Java/Jakarta EE, but the MicroProfile seeks to close that gap. MicroProfile is an initiative brought by the Enterpri...
Quarkus: Fast, Small, Innovative, and Native?
Java application booting and ready-to-serve requests in <10 milliseconds and occupying <40 MB on disk? With Hibernate ORM connected to PostgreSQL, RESTEasy, CDI, and Transaction Manager? Come to th...
Rastreamento em aplicações Cloud-Native: Do Stack trace até o Opentracing
Vejo muitas pessoas interessadas em tracing distribuído, mas por acharem complexo, o tracing quase nunca é implementado em um ambiente de microserviços. Esta sessão desmistifica o uso.
Revisitando técnicas avançadas de deploy com o Kubernetes
Versão renovada da apresentação utilizando agora Istio.
Revisiting advanced deployment techniques with Kubernetes
"The “deploy moment” is an occasion that still gives many developers the shivers. Today we have Kubernetes and Istio to automate different scenarios.
Come to this live demo session with lots of ...
Service Mesh e Sidecars com Istio e Envoy
Nesta sessão, você terá um contato com Envoy e Istio. Dois projetos opensource que irão mudar a forma que você escreve aplicações Java usando Kubernetes
The Istio Workshop
The next generation of microservices will leverage sidecars and a service mesh. In this session, we will give you a taste of Envoy and Istio. Learn how to use Envoy and Istio to deal with traffic s...
Tracing Cloud-Native applications with Opentelemetry
Developers used to debug applications one thread at a time. Now with microservices architectures, what used to be a single stack trace in a single machine became many stack traces spread among comp...
Transactional microservices com SAGA Pattern
Conteúdo importante para quem está arquitetando microservices em Java ou em NodeJS e precisa usar transações distribuídas.
Transactional microservices with SAGA Pattern
This session will present the basics of Saga pattern, which solves the transactional problem in distributed applications, and also a practical microservices demo.
Why you’re going to FAIL running Java on docker!
Want to get ready to really run Java on docker in production? Then come to this session to learn a lot about JVM and containers and avoid the highway to debugging hell. You’ll get simple tips & tri...
Your Java Journey into the Serverless World
Your future cloud native applications will consist of both microservices and functions, but in many cases where you the developer ignore the operational aspects of managing that infrastructure. In...