Elevator Pitch
Software management and deployment is already a task, getting that good base of infrastructure in place right definitely helps. Using Chocolatey and PowerShell helps you achieve reliability, repeatability, and scale in any organization - let us show you how to easily achieve all of that.
Software management and deployment is already a task, getting that good base of infrastructure in place right definitely helps. When you are using Chocolatey and PowerShell for software deployments, there are some recommendations on how to set up source control and testing infrastructure, not to mention how best to set up your production deployment infrastructure for success. Achieving reliability, repeatability, and scale is important in any organization - come let us show you how to easily achieve all of that.
In this workshop you will get hands on experience with:
- Setting up your workstation for Chocolatey packaging (best tools to use)
- Preparing Chocolatey for internal use
- Setting up a CI system (Jenkins) and PowerShell
- Testing software deployments with Pester and PowerShell
- Work through real world scenarios and using PowerShell and Chocolatey to make it easier
Myself and Gary Park (also from Chocolatey) have given this workshop at ChocolateyFesy (aka WinOps San Francisco) and also WinOps London and it’s been very well received. We have given it in 3 hours and 4 hours so we are able tailor it to the time slot and audience.
The attendees do not have to have a thorough understanding of Chocolatey or PowerShell as it will all be explained to them. The PowerShell sections we always tailor to the audience by finding out how much they know during the event.
Just to be clear myself and Gary would like to give this workshop together but if that is an issue one of us can do it alone.