Elevator Pitch
Building on the “Kubernetes Fundamentals” talk I’ll show an extended example of how to manage real world applications with Kubernetes and how to drive continuous deployment of your containers with your CI server through Kubernetes. I’ll show how to code build tool and applications infrastructure.
To make the benefit of orchestration using Kubernetes real I will show more than just a toy example, with multiple different Kubernetes resource types involved. I will show how to manage your build infrastructure and your applications by using Services, Ingress, Deployments, Stateful Sets, Config Maps, Persistent Volume Claims, and more. I’ll show how to easily manage scaling and dynamic storage provisioning, as well as different namespaces and how that can be used to separate environments (UAT, prod). To tie it all together I’ll demonstrate how your CI/CD pipeline can easily be scripted to deploy using Kubernetes, which means you don’t necessarily have to use third party tools and abstractions.