Own your blog with Git and GitLab

By Nicolas Fränkel

Elevator Pitch

Writing a blog is cool. Owning its content is much better. In this talk, I’ll show you what infrastructure I’m using since more than 10 years, and how you can set your own.


A developer’s day is filled with solving problems, but in general, once they’re solved, one just jumps to the next one. My experience has taught me that writing about them is a great way to:

  1. Understand the problem - and the solution - better and deeper
  2. Share with the outside world

While sharing is caring, what are the options to write a developer’s blog? Obviously, there are already many options on the market: dev.to, Medium, DZone, hashnode, etc. So why shall you make you life harder by re-creating everything from scratch? It boils down to one word: ownership. Wherever you publish your content, it’s very important that you shall be its owner - even more so if it’s your company’s content.

In this talk, I’ll explain how I’m using Git (and GitLab) to everything that relates to my blog so you can do the same and own your content.