Advanced Routing concepts in Angular

By Narain Sagar

Elevator Pitch

Angular made routing very simple and easy for developers and thus there are some useful concepts and a lot more. In this talk, we’ll discuss each of those advanced Angular routing concepts and how to use them in coding.


Angular made routing very simple and easy for developers and thus there are some useful concepts and a lot more. In this talk, we’ll discuss each of those advanced Angular routing concepts and how to use them in coding. This will include:

  • Basic Routing and Navigation.
  • Router outlets
  • Children Routes
  • Route Guards (CanActivate, CanActivateChild, Resolvers, etc)
  • Lazy Loading Modules
  • Preloading Modules
  • Custom Preloading Strategy


I already have presented this talk before in the Urdu language at AngularPakistan community meetup#5

Following are the details and materials about the talk I presented at AngularPakistan:

Notes | Youtube video | Slides | Live demo | Code

You can find all of the talks list and contributions etc here