Divide et impera, or how to split your web app experiences in micro-frontends

By Mariano Vazquez

Elevator Pitch

Although nowadays microservices are being extensively used, they are STILL being consumed by a single, monolithic UI. In this talk we will lay out the real-life challenges that are worth solving via a micro-frontends architecture.


This talk is mainly focused on explaining concepts with a real-life example. We will use it to demonstrate that some challenges (technical and/or organizational) are so complex that require a micro-frontends solution, while others don’t require such complexity (the “this might not be for you” aha moment).

Then, we will present the UI Domains strategy as a way of splitting a monolithic UI into smaller, and more manageable vertical pieces. And we will compare the “ideal’ approach (fully vertical, 100% independent pieces) with the real-life (somewhat vertical pieces, not so independent, etc.), and what you could do to adapt this strategy to them.