Elevator Pitch
This is a talk for anyone who has the basics of Git memorized but is not sure how git works or what advanced workflows are possible. This is a ‘best of’ talk comprised of elements from hundreds of conversations teaching people Git. Beginners are welcome, but the target audience is mid-level devs.
At this point, all developers likely understand the need for version control for collaborating with their codebase. Further, most devs have mastered the basic art of Git commands like add, commit, branch, merge and pull requests.
Sure, Git tracks project snapshots over time, but did you know you have complete access to all of those changes, even ones you might think you have lost from a reset!
Come out for a high level discussion of:
Git squash
Git rebase
Git cherry-pick
Git reflog
Git gc
Git hooks
Git bisect
Git worktree
I have taught well over 1000 people Git basics at this point in talks and workshops. I love the subject matter and this talk comes from the real-world experiences I had helping people reach the next level with their version control game.