A History of Programming and Other Such Ridiculous Things

By Mark Bates

Elevator Pitch

This is a fun, entertaining, and enlighting talk. It is designed to inform developers of where they came from so they can better understand where we’re going.


Alan Turing, Ada Lovelace, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Wozniak. These are all people who’ve never been in my kitchen. I’ve never had even a passing head nod with whilst coming out of the bathroom. What size shoes do they wear? What’s their favorite color? Do they know all the lyrics to Katy Perry’s Roar? I don’t know. But perhaps by taking a look at our collective past we can find these answers, and maybe learn a little bit about our future. Or at the very least we’ll get to see pictures of really big computers from the olden days!


This is a fun, entertaining, and enlighting talk. It is designed to inform developers of where they came from so they can better understand where we’re going.

Here is a video of me giving the talk in 2014 at Bacon. Spoiler alert, you’ll learn who I am if you watch the video. :)