Fighting GO FUD

By Mark Bates

Elevator Pitch

A look at how you can sell Go to your boss, clients, and fellow co-workers. I’ll give you the ammunition you need to make a convincing argument for this powerful language, and how to respond to the usual FUD arguments you get. I’ll also let you in on some “sneaky” ways to get Go into your business.


Go is picking up a lot of steam these days, but yet your company and/or client still isn’t using it. How do you convince others that Go is the right tool for the job?

In this talk we’ll look how you can sell Go to your boss, clients, and fellow co-workers. I’ll give you all the ammunition you need to make a convincing argument for this powerful language, and how to respond to the usual FUD arguments you get. I’ll also let you in on some “sneaky” ways to get Go into your business.

By the end of this talk you’ll a full fledged Go advocate.


Go is still young and in need of advocacy within organizations. There is a lot of FUD out there and in order to grow the language we need to be able to fight that FUD.