Build LLM-powered Web Apps with Django and Gemini API

By Wesley Kambale

Elevator Pitch

This talk is to help Django developers and AI/ML practitioners to discover how to integrate powerful language models like Gemini with Django web applications for intelligent user experiences. Perfect for Django enthusiasts and AI newcomers alike. The talk is to guide you to elevate your web apps!


This talk is ideal for web developers, AI enthusiasts, and software engineers looking to integrate advanced language models into their web applications.

In this session, you will:

  • Learn the fundamentals of Django and its strengths for web development.
  • Explore the Gemini API and how it can be used to harness the power of language models.
  • Build a simple web application that leverages LLMs, with practical examples and hands-on guidance.
  • Understand common challenges in integrating AI with web apps and strategies to overcome them.
  • Discover techniques to optimize the performance and user experience of your LLM-powered apps.

By the end of this session, you’ll have the knowledge to create innovative web applications enhanced with cutting-edge AI technology. We’ll also discuss best practices for deploying, scaling, and maintaining your applications in production.

Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your web development skills with AI integration at PyCon Uganda 2024!


Wesley is a seasoned ML engineer and data scientist with experience in building real-world ML systems that solve local community problems in health, agriculture and finance.