I, Developer

By Jordan H. Ferenz

Elevator Pitch

The human brain is a sophisticated system with its own bugs. Join ‘I, Developer’ to explore how these quirks impact software development and uncover the human side of tech.


In the spirit of Asimov’s exploration of the boundaries between human and machine, “I, Developer” delves into the cognitive quirks and subjective experiences that shape the world of software development. This talk demystifies the psychological complexities of software developers, drawing parallels between their work and well-known cognitive phenomena. Through engaging demonstrations we explore selective attention and other biases that influence how developers perceive problems and devise solutions.

Attendees will gain humorous yet insightful perspectives on the unseen cognitive load of developers, comparing human minds to the ‘machines’ they program. The session aims to bridge understanding between developers and those who work alongside them, highlighting the unseen challenges developers face and fostering greater empathy and collaboration in tech environments.

Whether you’re a developer, a project manager, or just tech-curious, “I, Developer” offers a fresh lens on the interplay between human cognition and software creation. Join us for a lively session filled with interactive discussions, surprising revelations, and a deeper appreciation of the human side of software development.