Common Pitfalls & Labryinths: A DevRel Choose Your Own Adventure

By Jeremy Meiss

Elevator Pitch

You’ve arrived at a crossroads. Do you turn left or right? Just like the classic “Choose Your Own Adventure” books, in this talk, the audience will decide which path to take through the jungle of common DevRel pitfalls and labyrinths, led by their experienced tour guides.


You’ve arrived at a crossroads. Do you turn left or right? Just like the classic “Choose Your Own Adventure” books, in this talk, the audience will decide which path to take through the jungle of common DevRel pitfalls and labyrinths, led by their experienced tour guides.

This talk offers an opportunity for audience members to choose the topics of discussion - letting attendees and online guests guide the presentation. The topics will include a round-up of the most popular DevRel questions of the day, addressing everything from metrics to org charts to budget. The conversation will be led by a trio of DevRel professionals who have 40+ years of combined experience.

This presentation contains five different segments, with each segment being a five minute round-up of the topic. The audience calls out which topic they want to hear, and is encouraged to ask questions as they come up. Sample topics might include:

  • Company vs Project: Which is More Important?
  • Measure All The Things (Or None Of The Things)
  • What’s In A Name? DevRel or Community or Avocados
  • To Tech Or Not To Tech? How Technical Do I Have To Be?
  • What Department SHOULD I Be In? Why? But Why? But… WHY?
  • How To Get The Biggest Budget In The World


Three DevRel professionals, with roughly 40+ years of combined experience in DevRel and Developer Communities