Jyotsna Gupta
Open Source Enthusiast ; Former Senior Software Engineer at Gojek \; Mozilla Community VolunteerJyotsna Gupta is an Open Source Enthusiast who previously worked as a Senior Software Engineer at Gojek, Bangalore. She has been involved with the Mozilla Community since 2015, contributing in her free time as an Add-on Content Reviewer, Mozilla TechSpeaker, and Mozilla Representative. Her notable roles include serving as a two-time Add-ons Featured Advisory Board Member and a Judge in the ‘Firefox Quantum Extension Challenge’. Jyotsna is a coder by profession and a passionate Shuttler.
She is also a Firefox Add-ons Mentor and the creator of the privacy-themed add-on PrivateX. In recognition of her contributions to Mozilla, her name is listed in about:credits
of every Mozilla browser.
Personal Interests
Apart from her professional work and volunteering, Jyotsna recharges by playing Badminton, Table Tennis, Carrom, Chess, and Basketball. She enjoys eating fruits, is a Xanthophile, a Minion-maniac, a shoeaholic, and a neat-freak. As a Scorpio, she loves spending time in her room or exploring the world. If not found engaging in her hobbies, she’s likely dreaming for hours, maybe days.