My Talks
Building API Server-side architecture for beginners
When we creates an application, we often need to consider about layer design.
However, it’s difficult for beginners to design the architecture from beginning. To overcome difficulties, I will talk ...
Cost-effective Go unit test thinking and techniques
Create Go WebDriver Client from Scratch
ブラウザ操作の自動化にあたり出てくる WebDriver の Client はその仕様上 net/http パッケージ等の標準パッケージを介して自作することができます。
本トークでは、W3C勧告の標準化仕様WebDriver Wire Protocol等の詳...
Design considerations for container-based Go applications
About “design considerations” of Go application that run in container.
When we develop API application that runs in container, we need to consider image building, monitoring, logging, configuration...
HTTP Server on random available port in Go
Imagine you want to start an HTTP server without specifying the port. For example, a temporary server for testing. How do you do that? I’ll give you a way to implement this design and a clear under...
HTTP Tunneling in Go
HTTP Tunneling can be used in situations similar to the requirements of using VPN, for example, to be able to access a localhost server from outside. This talk will introduce the specific implement...
Implementation example of OAuth 2.0 request handler with ensuring testability
One of the troublesome issues of implementing API is “authentication / authorization”(AuthN/Z). This talk explains a concrete method of implementing HTTP handler monolithically. In particular, I de...