Production Ready Document Extraction with Generative AI, LangChain, and Vertex AI on GCP

By Keith Bourne

Elevator Pitch

Document extraction is shaping up to be one of the first major areas across the enterprise for widespread Generative AI adoption. In this presentation, we will review the inner workings of setting up production ready generative AI pipelines that utilize LangChain and MLOps on Google Cloud Platform.


Document extraction and the utilization of unstructured data are quickly emerging as pivotal domains for the integration of Generative AI within enterprise frameworks. The vast landscapes of data, once considered chaotic and hard to decipher, are now presenting themselves as invaluable reservoirs of insights, thanks to the advancements in Generative AI.

Companies across the board are recognizing the latent value within their information vaults. A significant portion of this data, which was previously underutilized, is now being harnessed in two primary ways:

• Internal Optimization: Several enterprises are zooming in on their internal operations. They are converting their extensive repositories of internal documents into dynamic knowledge bases. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also drives productivity, fostering a culture of informed decision-making and proactive problem-solving.

• Customer-Centric Approaches: In contrast, other organizations are casting their nets wider, diving deep into their vast data lakes filled with customer-centric documents. By leveraging Generative AI, these companies are crafting innovative methodologies to engage, serve, and exceed the expectations of their clientele. This not only strengthens brand loyalty but also paves the way for enhanced customer experiences.

It’s worth noting that while the process of extracting and leveraging this data via Generative AI is intricate and challenging, the potential returns are massive. Companies that pioneer these initiatives — the first movers — stand to gain a significant competitive edge, enjoying benefits that range from increased profitability to enhanced market presence. We will cover the wealth of resources and tools provided by Google Cloud Platform (GCP) that provide the foundation for this effort.

In the forthcoming presentation, we aim to delve deep into the nuts and bolts of this process. We will provide a comprehensive overview of how to establish a production-grade generative AI pipeline. The discussion will spotlight cutting-edge tools such as LangChain, LangSmith, and Vertex AI Vector Search, emphasizing their role in data extraction and processing. Furthermore, we will elucidate the importance of having a robust MLOps infrastructure, ensuring scalability, flexibility, and efficiency in all AI-driven endeavors.


The “advanced” nature is because it will delve into in-depth AI engineering concepts like MLOps, generative AI tools like LangChain and LangSmith, comparing advanced prompt engineering approaches, and how to fully utilize advanced AI related tools on GCP (like comparing using BigQuery, Vertex AI Vector Search, and Cloud SQL/PostgreSQL/pgvector for vector searching of documents).