Taking Generative AI to a New Level on GCP

By Keith Bourne

Elevator Pitch

Generative AI is establishing itself as the next massive wave of technological innovation. This isn’t just for the future, everything you need to make large productivity improvements across your enterprise is available right now on GCP! Learn how to bring Generative AI to your company now.


Generative AI is set to become the next big wave of technology, promising massive productivity gains across the enterprise. And here is the best news, everything you need to meet 90% of the Generative AI related business needs out there for the foreseeable future is already available on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). In this presentation, I will show you how to tap into this Generative AI powerhouse of a platform and make the most of it for your organization.

Just to be clear, this is not a discussion about how to chat with ChatGPT and get it to say something funny or weird. This is a real discussion about how to infuse your backend and applications with game changing logic capabilities that simply were not possible just a couple years ago. In this presentation, we will talk about the capabilities of Generative AI and the amazing suite of Generative AI related services available on GCP. We will discuss a variety of ways to use Generative AI Studio, including how it can help you rapidly and dramatically improve your prompt engineering, and then using Vertex AI with Langchain to set up prompt engineering pipelines of all sorts and varieties to meet your business needs. We will go over the main architectures of LLMs, as they relate to some of the tasks we will talk about for your Generative AI activities, as well as the concepts of training, tuning, and other approaches to improve your outputs. We will even give you a quick crash course on probability distributions and why understanding them will help you make better decisions in your Generative AI development. And then, as you will soon realize once you are more active in Generative AI, costs can become a challenge. So we will review how to keep these costs at bay while still maintaining the same increased productivity. While this presentation will dive into some technical details on how to use this incredible technology, this presentation will discuss many topics at a general level, appealing to managers, delighting even the non-technical, and stoking the innovative fires of anyone that attends regardless of your background! So please join us for a lively discussion about how your company can tap into the powers of Generative AI in surprisingly easy ways, today!


I have 3 years of production level Generative AI project development experience to draw from, as well as many more years of being a technology leader in the other technology waves, include web, mobile, and machine learning. I have been an early adopter and active user of GCP since its inception.