Machine Learning on GCP 2019: AI Platform - AI for Everything

By Keith Bourne

Elevator Pitch

There are tons of features on GCP. But what should you be using if to work on an ML project? In the past year, Google has consolidated their ML capabilities under their AI Platform, making it a one stop for everything AI. We’ll cover everything you need to know about AI Platform and then some.


This presentation will provide a broad overview of how someone can utilize the GCP AI Platform. There is A LOT to cover! Off-the-shelf features (like Vision and Natural Language), using general features (like the virtual machine, Storage, and Dataflow) to spin up your own machine learning models, hosted notebooks, notebook templates for quick-starting most AI projects, end-to-end AI pipelines, enterprise sharing capabilities, all kinds of container templates optimized for AI, automated ML (AutoML), and much more. So yes, definitely, AI for everything!

We won’t just list what’s available though, you get can get that from the website. We’ll also provide in-depth coverage of how to get started, what to use in different scenarios, and where the secret gems are on that platform to take your AI efforts to the next level. And last, we’ll cover a couple extra Google-related services that aren’t in the AI Platform, but may also be helpful to be aware of for optimal AI efforts!