


Takuya Futatsugi is known as nikkie in engineer community.

Nikkie began his career as a software engineer in 2016.
He started Python as a hobby in 2017 and fell in love with it.
He is engaged in Natural Language Processing as a data scientist at Uzabase, inc. Tokyo, Japan from 2019.

He is working on the Python community in Japan as a staff of the following event:

He gave a talk (and lightning talks) at many PyCons in Japan and abroad.

One of them is on the subject of sharing knowledge of automation in PyCon JP staff activities.

He loves anime (Japanese animetation) as much as Python, and implements ideas related to some anime with Python.
In early 2022, he write code related to “Sing a Bit of Harmony” (e.g. Twitter bot).

My Talks

Anaconda環境運用TIPS 〜Anacondaの環境構築について知る・答えられるようになる〜(仮題)
