Elevator Pitch
Chances are you started your DevOps journey and had mixed results so far. According to research, organizational complexity is the biggest indicator of quality and speed. Evaluating org structures & norms, as well as enabling max transparency are all must-haves to enable a successful transformation.
It’s 2020; chances are you started your DevOps journey. Chances also are you had mixed results so far. According to recent research, organizational complexity is the biggest indicator of production quality and speed. Evaluating organizational structures, norms, and accountabilities as well as enabling maximum collaboration and transparency are all must-haves to enable a successful DevOps transformation.
This talk aims to shift the attention of the audience to the big elephant in the room when it comes to limiting delivery transformation potential. Tackling organizational complexity is not optional, tidying up organizational dynamics, work norms & expectations, decision making process, and how reporting is performed and actioned are of supreme importance and take precedence over other aspects of transformation.
After motivating the discussion, the talk will dive deeper into each of the key areas requiring tidying up. Organizational complexity consists of static org structure, interactions between peers within that org construct, flow of data and reporting to leaders, and decisions made as a result of such feedback.
Each of the four areas will be elaborated on as follows:
1. Org Structure Patterns - Model organizational patterns, compare and contrast effectiveness, pros and cons, roles and responsibilities
2. Work Norms & Expectations - What the job of developers and testers entails in DevOps working model; collaboration models; motivating people to model good behaviour; role of leaders and HR
3. Decision Making - How far to enable democratization of decision making; what is the role of leaders in the new world; when does top-down apply
4. Reporting and Transparency - How bad reporting leads to bad decision making; making transparency the norm; making it objective and system-controlled; how to celebrate failure in mission-critical work
At the end of the talk, the audience would be left with an action plan to consider; the action plan would include decisions they have to make about the target state they want to achieve in each of the areas, logical next steps to follow to make those a reality, and common pitfalls to watch out for along the way.