Cheuk Ting Ho



Before working in Developer Relations, Cheuk has been a Data Scientist in various companies which demands high numerical and programmatical skills, especially in Python. To follow her passion for the tech community, Cheuk has been a Developer Advocate for 3 years. Cheuk also contributes to multiple Open Source libraries like Hypothesis, Pytest, Pandas, Jupyter Notebook and Django.

Besides her work, Cheuk enjoys talking about Python on personal streaming platforms and podcasts. Cheuk has also been a speaker at Universities and various conferences. Besides speaking at conferences, Cheuk also organises events for developers. Conferences that Cheuk has organized include EuroPython (which she is a board member), PyData Global and Pyjamas Conf. Believing in Tech Diversity and Inclusion, Cheuk constantly organizes workshops and mentored sprints for minority groups. In 2021, Cheuk has become a Python Software Foundation fellow.

My Talks

AI and Algorithmic Art - Could computer take over human creativity?

Applying PyScript to Data Science Work

Contributing 101: My first PR on GitHub

Create a MNIST-like data set for Mahjong using Scikit-image

Don't just test, my friend, test better

Finding your first speaking oppotunity

Git and GitHub for Data Scientists - What I learnt in Open Source Contribution

I am telling you 3 things about Chatbot (so you don't have to learn it the hard way)

I hate writing tests, that's why I use Hypothesis

Is it GDPR 2.0? What is CRA and how can it affect you and OSS in general

Power up your work with compiling and profiling

Reformating your code without AI - let's see how a formatter works

Revolutionize Data Visulization with PyScript

The shadows that follow the AI generative models

Under and Dunder - Python secret functions

Untangle Python Spaghetti - Deep dive into environments and dependencies management

Untangle Spaghetti Python Paths - How to manage your Python enviroments

What is SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) and why you should care

When dependabot is not enough - more tools to scan for vulnerabilities

Will PyScript replace Django? - What PyScript is and is not