Elevator Pitch
All uses lot of awesome Kotlin language features without even knowing how they are JVM compatible and what kotlin compiler does under the hood. This talk goes through all these topics and explores them.
It definitely makes you a good programmer, if you know internals of something that you use.
Kotlin has many language features even though none of them are supported by JVM or Android ART. This talk will go through all the language features and understand how they work internally for JVM or ART compatibility.
For example: 1. Do all know, how features like default arguments and default methods (in interface) works? 2. Do all know, that switch statement can only work with integers? Then how when expression works with almost all data types? 3. Do all know, how inline classes works? 4. And many more features.
Many developers in kotlin community uses all these APIs without knowing how they work. After this talk, they will have a good understanding of how these features work internally which obviously make them a better programmer.
As the same topic is already presented at DevFest Kolkata 2019 and going to be presented at DroidKaigi 2020, I will make this talk with different examples and features.