Maintaining viability and momentum in open-source volunteer projects.

By Bonnie Wolfe

Elevator Pitch

100 volunteers a week of varying skill levels, zero budget and Los Angeles’ most pressing problems. Hear the replicable transformation story of Hack for LA: from well-intentioned volunteers to Agile teams producing software solutions on tight timelines though the power of Github and Kanban.


Management wants the improved results that Agile or Lean can bring, but how do you actually do it? Imagine that you couldn’t use money to motivate your team, that they could leave at any time and that you have to meet your stakeholder deadlines because they are counting on you.

In this talk you will hear how our open source community used a combination of stripping down a project to the simplest tools possible (Github’s built in, and free, kanban boards) and easily customizable online team workshops to eliminate unfocused team routines, get deep project visibility, increase productivity, increase agency and accountability, reduce rework, publish software faster, improve recruitment, reduce training time, and to increase team adoption, buy-in and focus. All while delighting our product users, stakeholders and team members.

See how your teams can use the same techniques to achieve transformative results.


I need a projector, and ideally a microphone and runner for audience member questions (I can bring my own runner from the local open source community, if not provided by summit). The talk is very practical and the techniques I describe very adaptable and easy to describe in relation to attendee questions/scenarios; which helps audience members see how they can adapt to any environment. If the location setup does not allow for audience questions, I have a lecture only version of the talk. I prefer the one with audience interactivity, but either is fine.