Writing Docs for Beginners

By Bilawal Hameed

Elevator Pitch

Many of us hate writing docs, so we don’t. Yet it is the most important part of our code if we ever want code to last. And even when we do, it sucks for beginners so we often ignore it. This talk will focus on making you think again about how you document code, and what you should document.


I used to hate documenting code. It was tedious. I just thought writing a few lines explaining what it does is enough, and I can focus entirely on writing code.

That doesn’t work. My years of experience in writing, creating and advocating APIs for open source projects to startups to world-class technology companies such as Spotify has taught me a lot about documentation.

Attendees should expect to learn how to think of documenting their code for beginners to professional developers, how it helps them shape how to write DSLs and the syntax for their code, and what they should and shouldn’t write about.

My talk should help you to think differently about documentation. And I’ll throw in a few funny GIFs in there for good measure, too :)


Attendees should expect to learn how to think of documenting their code for beginners to professional developers, how it helps them shape how to write DSLs and the syntax for their code, and what they should and shouldn’t write about.