Beyond the Stereotypes: Why Good Component Design Matters

By Becca Bailey

Elevator Pitch

In the tech community, JavaScript gets a bad rap. But as components become more complicated and accessible user interfaces become a bare minimum requirement, the work we do with this language is more important than ever. Let’s talk about good component design—what it looks like and why it matters.


In the tech community, sometimes JavaScript gets a bad rap. From its type inconsistencies to its 90’s-era syntax to its status as a “less important” programming language, JavaScript is sometimes seen as a necessary evil that should be avoided whenever possible. But as components become more complicated and accessible user interfaces become a bare minimum requirement, the work we do with this language is more important than ever. Let’s talk about good component design—what it looks like and why it matters.


Basic Outline

  1. JavaScript History +What has JS looked like in the past, who is writing it, and what did good design look like?
    • What are the misconceptions that have contributed to bad development and design practices?
  2. What are the problems we are trying to solve in 2019?
    • Accessibility
    • Reusability
    • Managing large applications
    • Higher expectations for what a good user experience looks like, thanks to commonly-used products from Google, Apple, Amazon, and other large tech companies.
  3. What can we do about it?
    • In general, what does good component design look like?
    • How can we promote good design practices at our companies and within the community?

Past talks

Upcoming talks

  • Beyond the WAT: Why Good Component Design Matters - Fullstack Conf London 2019