Demystifying ethereum to build your own decentralized (D-app) app using blockchain

By Abhiram Ravikumar

Elevator Pitch

Bitcoin is the buzz of the town and do you know what drives it? Blockchain. A completely decentralized platform to manage cryptocurrencies, transactions, digital assets and much more! Join in to discover ethereum, an open-sourced platform that allows developers to build & deploy decentralized apps.



Bitcoin is the new buzz around town and blockchain is the technology behind this hugely popular crypto currency form. This talk helps participants understand the mechanics of blockchain and enable them to build their first decentralized application using ethereum, an open source platform that leverages the power of smart contracts to build scalable blockchain-enabled applications. The session will start with an overview of blockchain technology, move on to what a distributed ledger is, then introduce a real life example of bitcoin - its evolution, application and future. Once participants realize the extent and use of blockchains, the concept of decentralized apps would be introduced along with the various trust models that make it work. After the context is set, the facilitator would introduce ethereum and dive into the how one can get started. ### Live demo * Setup development environment - Install testrpc, web3js and start test blockchain * Smart contracts: Use solidity (an objected oriented programming language) to write out a simple contract that increments votes and returns the count of votes for each band * Setup a simple website to invoke the contract methods * Play with the application and see blockchain in live The facilitator will consciously not be using any D-app frameworks so that participants appreciate the level of heavy lifting it does for them later on when they use the framework. I will start off with a few questions on the famous aspects of bitcoin like its current value, how many people use it, etc.

Who is the talk for?

The talk has both a technology aspect and a socio-economic aspect to it and the facilitator folk from both these realms. * Full stack web developers (amateurs + professionals) * Bitcoin enthusiasts and investors * The curious folk who want to know what all the hype about “bitcoin” is.. ### Key takeaways At the end of this talk participants will, * Have a deeper understanding of blockchain technology and its encryption techniques and workflow * Have their own blockchain-enabled application * Learn to create simple contracts using solidity * See and understand the fully functional demo of Korkscrew * Be able to educate others about blockchain and its use-cases This talk is an ignition for participants to explore this field, the expectation is that they use the learning to build their own fully functional decentralized applications in the future.