Elevator Pitch
Learn how to leverage PowerShell to interact with the Microsoft Graph REST API. The Microsoft Graph API is the gateway to data and intelligence in Microsoft 365, and offers a single endpoint that provides access to Exchange, Teams, SharePoint, AzureAD, Outlook and more.
In this talk we will learn how to leverage PowerShell to connect to and work in REST API’s. Using PowerShell’s Invoke-RestMethod we can interact with directly with Microsoft’s GRAPH API.
Learn how to:
- Manage Microsoft Teams including posting messages
- Manage Azure Active Directory
- Parse users e-mail and send messages
- Get users calendar events
- Upload data to SharePoint
- Whole lot more
I have worked extensively in the Graph API using PowerShell with work. I have a published article that covers a lot of the Graph API and PowerShell here: https://www.thelazyadministrator.com/2019/07/22/connect-and-navigate-the-microsoft-graph-api-with-powershell/
I have spoken at the Microsoft MTC building in downtown Chicago twice, once at the RTPSUG and write at thelazyadministrator.com
To make this more PowerShell than GUI I will also be registering the azure application and permissions via PS and not the Azure Portal