React - by the people, for the people

By Nikhil Sharma

Elevator Pitch

What if you get to know that your UI is not usable to roughly 20% of the world? And also you might be sued due to it in many countries? It’s normal to get terrified but thanks to a concept called accessibility that we can resolve this, in a much more exciting way with this talk.


According to a survey, almost 20% of the world’s population is having some or the other disability. This is a clear indication that a large chunk of our target audience might not use our apps in the way we think. 🤔

The target of this talk is for the folks watching it (whether they know about the concept or not) can immediately start making their apps accessible.

Building accessible apps mean helping as many people as possible interact with your app’s interface. This includes individuals with auditory, cognitive, neurological, physical, speech, and visual impairments. It can also include temporary conditions, like a broken wrist, that may prevent someone from interacting with an app how they usually would. In this talk, I would discuss the following topics in detail:-

  1. The deeper meaning of accessibility that the world does not tell us

  2. The mystery of WAI-ARIA

  3. Common accessibility myths that will be busted in this talk

  4. Keyboard focus and focus outline and Mechanisms to skip to the desired content

  5. How the use of semantic HTML throttles UX

  6. A demo showing the difference, using a login form and how accessibility makes a difference

  7. My secrets of debugging accessibility 🤫

Note:- I have given this talk at React India 2021 conference. Link to the talk:- Slides:-


  1. React India 2021 - “React - by the people, for the people” Talk video:- Panel discussion on “React 18” -

  2. React Advanced London - “setState, we need to talk!” Talk video -

  3. React summit 2021- “Road to a better UX with Suspense and concurrent UI” Talk link:-

  4. React Bangalore - “Road to a better UX with Suspense and concurrent UI” Talk link:-

  5. Facebook Developer circles:- “Best optimisation practices in react” Slides:-

  6. React Delhi NCR - “Teleporting through portals in react” Slides:-