Building like its concurrent mode !

By Nikhil Sharma

Elevator Pitch

How to think in concurrent mode? What are the best practices to adopt while building rich user experiences? This talk answers it all! This session covers the different UI approaches and use cases to enhance user experience with the magic of React’s new concurrent mode.


Concurrent Mode is on the hype now due to its non-blocked rendering which offers a completely different approach of how react renders now. Let’s leverage this concept and apply it to your codebase now:-

In this talk I would cover the following UI patterns:- 1. Transitions:- This part would cover the disadvantages of the “undesirable” loading state and the approaches like to wait for some content to load before transitioning to the new screen and delaying a pending loading state for better UX

  1. Splitting high priority and low priority state
  2. Deferring values using useDeferredState hook
  3. A sneak peek at for resonating loading states