Achieving Balance in Web3 Developer Advocacy: Striking the Right Balance Between Education and Implementation

By Jatin Pandya

Elevator Pitch

As the demand for Web3 technology continues to grow, developer relations managers and developer advocates are faced with the task of driving adoption and increasing interest in their products & finding the right balance between educating developers about the technology and its potential use cases.


Join us for an enlightening Panel discussion on the vital role of balancing education and implementation in Web3 developer advocacy. As the demand for Web3 technology continues to skyrocket, it’s essential for developer relations managers and developer advocates to strike the right balance between education and implementation in order to drive adoption and cultivate sustained interest. In this talk, we’ll explore the consequences of a lack of balance and how it can lead to disinterest and stagnation. But more importantly, we’ll provide practical strategies and tips for developer advocates and relations managers to effectively balance education and implementation, driving success for their organization and the broader Web3 community. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights and learn best practices from experienced professionals in Web3 developer advocacy.


In addition to balancing education and implementation, it’s also essential to focus on community building and collaboration. I will touch on this during the talk and provide insights on how to build strong developer communities in the Web3 space. Attendees can expect to leave the talk with actionable insights and practical strategies to apply in their own Web3 developer advocacy efforts.