Kotlin & Android: The State of the Union

By Ash

Elevator Pitch

Android has gone through massive changes because Kotlin was introduced into the platform. This session we will cover the influence of Kotlin on Android.


This session we will cover the influence of Kotlin on Android.
* Android Studio provides first-class support for Kotlin.
* Android Jetpack Compose declarative UI Kotlin programming.
* Room with Coroutines.
* Kotlin BLE Coroutines
* Android KTX makes Android development with Kotlin much better
* Android Kotlin Lint to check code
* Dependency Injection with Kotlin for Android JetPack.


I wrote one of the very first posts about jetpack compose when it was released. https://android.jlelse.eu/jetpack-compose-primer-92ff005b7ce2 (part 1 of 3)