Internal Bio - for reviewers:
Almog is an open-source enthusiast, a serial founder, a Kubernetes maintainer since 2015, and co-writer of the CI/CD Foundation’s MLOps Roadmap. Go enthusiast for the past 8 years.
Currently working on an Open-Source project, and doing Go freelancing I made talks at a few conferences such as DroidCon IL, Golang IL meetups, DrupalCamp(back in 2010), etc.
Public bio - for website:
Almog is an open-source enthusiast, a serial founder, a Kubernetes maintainer since 2015, and co-writer of the CI/CD Foundation’s MLOps Roadmap.
My Talks
How I compiled Go to Python, and barely made it
Showcase: how I compiled Go to use it in Python using c-bindings and barely made it to tell.
Spoiler alert: I used gopy: go-->shared lib-->c-->ffi
Spoiler alert2: it became even more complex when...
How to build Kubernetes Extensions and survive
K8s extensions? controllers? CRDs? watt?!😱
In this session, we'll learn What, Why, and How to build K8s extensions with Go and the Kubebuilder project. We'll learn about the concepts and build som...
How to run REAL python scripts from go
Showcase: running real python scripts from go apps
In this showcase, we'll show the journey and the technical concerns we had to allow end-users to write custom python code (including pip packages...
How we built a go app that data-scientists... actually love!
In this session, we'll present to Raptor open-source project(non-commercial).
Raptor is a kubernetes extension(built with go), that "compiles" the data-scientists pythonic work to a production-sca...