James Lindsay is a CISSP with over 20 years of experience in leading enterprise level cyber security, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence projects. Mr. Lindsay had and extensive career, in the Canadian military, where we lead soldiers in Afghanistan, and held the jobs of: Chief Architect and Engineer for IT Risk Assessment and he Chief Architect and Engineer of End Point security. Recently he founded his own Artificial Intelligence company.
Mr. Lindsay holds an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and a masters in Electrical Engineering. While at the Royal Military College (RMC), Maj. Lindsay received the Col. Geoff Parker award and the IEEE master research award for the Kingston area in 2011. His masters’ work focused on using Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques on cooperative control problems. He is currently finishing a PhD in Computer Engineering that focuses on deep Learning techniques. He currently has 12 peer reviewed academic publications that covers multiple areas of machine learning and AI.