Baremetal Rust upskilling on PSoC 6: Unveiling Experiences and Insights from Training Programs

By Tiago Manczak

Elevator Pitch

At Infineon we started upskilling the embedded software engineers on Rust creating our internal training based on Infineon’s devices. We want to present the challenges and results of the training editions, the current state of the material and discuss next steps for the next training modules.


The first time in about 5 decades another language reveals itself as an alternative to C/C++ on embedded systems. Despite its amazing features Rust still has a steep learning curve which can be smoothed by good quality trainings. Although Rust has a lot of training materials available adapting it to the internal company context and embedded systems is not a simple task. We had the challenge to provide a two-days-training for embedded software engineers at Infineon. On this talk we present the learnings and the current training material as well as the next modules we want to produce. We want also to discuss the inclusion of advanced embedded systems training topics like safety and secure coding.


Provide a professional and commercial Rust support for Infineon’s devices is a priority for me inside Infineon. I am a proud Rustacean and Evangelist since 2019 and with a group of other Rustaceans we are providing internal trainings since December 2022 using our PSoC6 devices. After 5 editions of the training we see an clear improvement and the next steps ahead. We clearly see the demand of Rust training for embedded systems will continue to increase and having feedback from the community about how we are doing it is important because we want to publish these material in the near future to the public.