Attracting and Retaining a Millennial Workforce

By Sara Anstey

Elevator Pitch

Different generations have different experiences, reactions and priorities. Understanding those differences is a key part of maintaining a high functioning and diverse team. This talk will explore these generational differences and how to manage them effectively.


With cyber talent already at a shortage, employers are having a hard time finding and retaining quality workers and understanding their needs for fulfillment. Every day the workforce becomes more composed of millennials and gen z’s who have different values and priorities than any previous generations. This session will dive inside the mind of millennial in cybersecurity and analyze the values and ideals that drive them to make decisions about their careers.


I gave this talk at a conference for CISOs once and was surprised by the overwhelming positive reaction it received. Most people in cybersecurity have to manage a team or deal with people from different generations as them, and it’s too easy to overlook those differences and pass judgement instead of being understanding. I approach this talk with examples from my personal career, as well as humor and research to try to show a well rounded perspective on people management.