M. Curtis McCoy - Earned Media vs. Paid Media in Personal Branding

By M. Curtis McCoy

Elevator Pitch

How do you balance the influence of earned media with the power of paid media in personal branding?

M. Curtis McCoy reveals how to strategically combine both to create an authentic, impactful brand that resonates.

Gain actionable insights to elevate your brand and maximize your reach!


Building a personal brand that truly stands out requires a smart mix of earned and paid media.

In this talk, M. Curtis McCoy shows you how to combine the authenticity of earned media with the strategic reach of paid media.

You’ll walk away with practical tips to elevate your brand, amplify your message, and connect with your audience. Whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your approach, this TEDx talk will give you the tools to create a brand that resonates and lasts!


As an established personal branding expert, I bring a unique perspective.

I host “Success, Motivation & Inspiration” on Amazon Fire TV. I interview top entrepreneurs, authors, and thought leaders about their personal branding strategies.

Additionally, I own News Wire Magazine, a platform that helps entrepreneurs, authors, motivational speakers, podcast hosts & influencers enhance their online presence through paid media strategies. My experience in earned and paid media gives me deep insights into how these elements can be combined effectively to build a lasting, impactful personal brand.

I’m well-versed in the technical aspects of media production and content creation, ensuring a smooth presentation. My background makes me uniquely qualified to speak on this subject, offering practical, actionable advice that attendees can immediately apply to their own branding efforts.