In my work at Google as a Developer Relations Engineer, I help cloud practitioners to solve a wide range of technical and architectural problems related to running workloads in Google Cloud and hybrid environments. Jump start to Google Cloud. Reach 99.99 SLO. Troubleshoot a problem in real time. Or, evaluate a security posture of your application. All these and many other problems that engineers and architects meet every day. Before Google, I worked in healthcare, interactive TV and gaming industries in many engineering roles including SWE, TL and Cloud Architect. In my free time I enjoy swimming, hiking and horseback riding.
My Talks
Automate automation: Use alerts as actionable triggers to fix problems quickly
How to react to something happening with application as fast as possible? How to reach SLOs beyond three nines (99.9%)? The answer is to automate reaction to an incident and to automate triggering ...
Logs redaction during ingestion
Log compliance is a task that costs many days and $$$ and often result in multiple code changes. Serverless infrastructure + AI can make it with no changes in application code and near zero infrast...
SLO Math
Learn how to set SLOs that reflect the expectations of your customers, given the complication that you likely don't own your entire stack. Achieve flexibility and scalability by implementing SLO-ba...