Ivy Fung is a trainer specialising in blockchain, the technology that supports cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). As one of the first few trainers and pioneers in the industry, she is instrumental in bringing the blockchain syllabus to top universities in the Philippines, including Ateneo de Manila, Lyceum of the Philippines University, and National University Philippines. Since 2018, Ivy has trained hundreds of lecturers in Southeast Asia. For enterprises and MNCs, Ivy’s clientele includes Mercedes-Benz, Microsoft and Sabah Development Bank, to name a few.
Ivy writes regularly and publishes tech-related articles in online platforms and magazines like Medium, LinkedIn and Money Compass. She also speaks regularly in conferences, like GeckoCon and Archidex. As the Vice President of Women In Blockchain Asia (WIBA), she advocates nurturing more women builders in the blockchain space.
Aside from her involvement in blockchain, she is also an active participants and organiser of Python Conference.